
Feb 8, 2018, 12:12 PM
In the past months we could hear many controversies surrounding an upcoming coin developed by FutureNet called FuturoCoin. FutureNet is a social network and Multi Level Marketing (MLM) platform. Most of the cryto-community didn't take them seriously and ware expecting another DasCoin - a coin which had little do to with the term 'cryptocurrency' but was heavily marketed as such using MLM. Both FutureNet and the creators of DasCoin (Netleaders) are under investigation by the Polish government under the suspicion of being a ponzi-scheme. The fact that FutureNet promoted their FuturoCoin without even publishing a whitepaper also didn't help. Now that they finally have one and also published their source code we can see what this coin really is.

Nov 1, 2017, 10:00 AM
If you're interested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. then you're probably tempted by ads with mining equipment or cloud mining contracts. Many of them promise you substantial passive profits and a fast return of investment under one year. Can it really be this easy? Here at WALCZAK.IT we experiment heavily with cryptocurrencies and we've also build our behemoth of a rig which mines three totally different coins at once. We've experienced firsthand that cryptocurrency mining is not trivial, nor is it passive or risk-free. Here are some cons you should consider before investing into it.

Oct 4, 2017, 10:13 PM
For the past few moths we've been developing our own simulation and notification system that aids us in cryptocurrency trading. As a byproduct of this enterprise we maintain a huge database of trades, exchange rates and OHLC data imported from many exchanges. We decided that it would be a shame to just keep this in-house so we're lunching a new polish website - - on which you can view aggregated price charts and compare exchange rates from multiple exchanges.

Sep 15, 2017, 7:06 PM
If you own Ethereum mining rigs with RX 470 / 480 / 570 / 580 AMD graphic cards you might have noticed that your hashrates have been slightly going down. In our RX 470 rig we went down from 27-28 MH/s per card to 25-26 MH/s. This drop will continue if you do nothing about it as the DAG file is slowly overwhelming your cards capabilities. Luckily AMD has been working on this problem.